Posts tagged PPMD

I was asked to speak about hope at the PPMD conference earlier this year in Scottsdale Arizona. I had known my assigned topic months prior, but I sat with it - not sure what I wanted to say.

Hope can be tricky.

I wrestled with the topic, not because I struggled to find hope personally, but because I didn't want to trivialize the hard realities of hope.

The more I meditated on hope, the more I realized hope in the future is a seductive mirage. Hope in the future is a mirage because the future is forever out of reach. The only thing you and I will ever truly have is this moment.

I hope this helps anyone who hurts.


A few weeks ago I spoke at a conference whose focus was on mental health and wellbeing. I was asked to speak twice: once on "Building Resilience Into Our Lives" and then "Where do we go when life changes?"

This video was the endcap to my resilience talk. I put this together the night before I jumped on the plane - still not settled on what I wanted to say. I only knew I wanted to share what was in this video.

Today, as I look back to remember Mitch, I also look forward to the magic that is right in front of me and the wonder that is far ahead.

Speaking at Mental Health Conference

I’ve been in Atlanta at a board meeting and then had the honor of speaking twice at a conference. I was asked to speak on Building Resilience Into Our Lives and then later to close the conference with “Where Do We Go When Life Changes.”

It was great to connect with old friends, and make many new ones. The speakers and panel discussions were amazing and included clinical psychologist, therapists, doctors, parents, siblings, and other industry professionals. Each of them had many useful things say about mental health and wellness. What I love the most was looking people in the eyes and listening to their stories. So many broken hearts yet so many incredible souls. My friend @jillybeancastle seriously needs to give a TED Talk. You are amazing, my friend.

SPEAKING: Building Resilience Into Our Lives

Chris was asked to share two presentations at a conference aimed at mental health and wellness. The first address was about “how to build resilience into our lives”, and the second topic, “where do we go when life changes?” In the conference’s final keynote, Shris shared his concept of points of light and how, when we do the deep work of reflection, we can find gratitude for the past, peace in the present, and courage to face an unknown future.