Over the years I’ve grown a deep love and reverence for mothers. These three photos are the mothers in my life whom I love, honor, and cherish: my wife, my daughter and my mother. Here’s to them and all of you beautiful, irreplaceable mothers among us. .

Watching my dear wife become a mother and grandmother has been one of the greatest honors of my life. Then, to my great delight, watching my daughter become a mother has become an even deeper and more vibrant highlight of my life. A few years ago, my heart was broken and scattered across an infinite universe of sorrow. I’ve come to accept there are broken pieces of me that will never return. But, those little pieces of my love, however broken and scattered, are now points of light that glisten in the dark. And when I quiet my mind and soul, when I look upward and remember all that was, still is, and what may be - my soul heals a little. .

Just yesterday we welcomed our second grandchild into our family. Meet baby Foster. A new, beautiful point of light in my life. My heart is so full, I can’t stop crying.