During this time of uncertainty, I've thought long and hard about life and what matters most.

Just tonight, as Natalie and I were visiting grocery stores trying to find some essentials for our family, we talked about our little Mitch and the risk the Coronavirus would have to his health and safety.

My little10-year old son would have been 17 by now, which means he'd likely be unable to lift his arms, susceptible to respiratory infections, and so much more. We then turned our minds to other families who care for children with DMD, and we said a prayer in our hearts for them. My eyes welled with tears for medically fragile families who fight for another day, another month, or another year with their children.

As we drove home, this video came to mind, and I thought I'd re-share it. I posted this a few years ago about our experience witnessing the solar eclipse. It was a profound moment - especially considering how something so infinitesimally small as our moon could make me feel even smaller. This experience enriched my perspective about life - and this video shares my thoughts to that end.

I still think about my little Mitch. Every single day. I carry him in my mind and heart - and the tears I shed for him have become lenses that bring what matters most into focus.

I hope this video helps someone struggling to take heart and find a measure of peace and purpose.