This morning, as I left for work, I couldn't help but notice the sunrise and think how much Mitch would have loved it.

Mitch has taught me something about the duality of grief; though I may suffer chronic grief, my heart can still be filled with gratitude.
— Christopher M. Jones | Mitchell's Journey

Because little Mitch is never far from my mind, when I saw this display of light and color, my heart swelled with gratitude and I thought to myself, "Oh Mitch, that sunrise is for you." In a way, I felt like I had Mitch beside me - even though he was not. Not the way I want him to be. That, my friends, is grief. It is to feel great pain, despite our spiritual beliefs. A longing for what was lost and aching for relief.

Mitch has taught me something about the duality of grief; though I may suffer chronic grief, my heart can still be filled with gratitude. I can be afraid and still have courage.

I think that's how I've learned to survive grief ... I acknowledge my sorrow, but then I look for reasons to be grateful. I can smile through the tears.