It is interesting how grief is made easier when you set aside your own sorrows to help another. Somehow, some way, it hurts a little less. Oh, don't get me wrong; grief is the heaviest burden I know ... it wrenches soul, springs the deepest of tears and makes for the blackest of nights - but I have found service is a candle in all that darkness. Though I weep for Mitch, my heart is full to think that others may be helped a little. Though grief isn't gone, it is a little easier to bear.

We're learning as we go. Though, early on, just after my son's passing, I had high hopes to do more and raise money for this cause faster. What I had hoped to happen didn't. I think my Father is teaching me something ... and I'm trying to listen. In the meantime, we won't stop trying to find our path and help others along the way. 

Natalie's heart was so full this morning. She cries quietly every day for Mitch - so I was glad to see her find joy in serving others. Seen also in this photo [on the right] are two of Natalie's dearest friends who have been an integral part of our charity run. We owe them, and our other committee members, a debt of gratitude.

We're excited to make our first announcement that we will be supporting MDA of Utah's Summer Camp this year. Because of your generous donations and involvement with Miles for Mitchell, we were able to donate $2,000 to MDA of Utah this year so young children can go swimming and fishing (two of Mitchie's favorite things to do).

While it may not sound like much, these boys don't have much time to be children. Before they know it, these young boys (and some girls) will find themselves unable to walk, use their arms or neck and will find their world of possibilities rapidly shrinking.
While others organizations are racing to find a cure (which we fully support), we are racing to give these children a life before it gets taken away.

We hope that the children who attend this year's activity will have warm memories to lift their hearts when life gets difficult for them.

We'll be announcing more of what we're doing this year with the proceeds of the run to help Parent Project MD and other DMD families in the coming weeks. 

Because your involvement has empowered us to help others, you have helped in our own grieving process - because as we serve, we heal. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you for loving. Thank you for caring.

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