I was looking at an old Christmas card I made in 2005 which included a mini audio CD of my kids. Mitch was only 3 years old and had been diagnosed with DMD earlier that year. In the months leading up to this little interview I spent many tear-filled nights under the dim light of our kitchen table reading everything I could about this fatal disease. From the moment of his diagnosis time became more precious than money or possessions and I did everything I could to capture as much of life as possible. Until the moment of his diagnosis I had always taken as many photos of [all] my kids because I knew they would only be little once – but suddenly there was a certain urgency I didn't have before.

I had all but forgotten about this little interview with Mitch (and my other children) and upon finding it my heart exploded. 

I just threw a couple of visuals to go along with the audio. The photos herein were taken the same day as the interview. 

This is short, but it’s worth listening to:

This holiday season I won’t forget the gifts that matter most shouldn't be wrapped in paper, but wrapped in love. I am forever grateful for my family.